sun-struck | #70 Untitled pdp #68 | Faded pdp| #67 #66 | One moment of silence please #65| Gusts of wind #64| working memory #63|Final Cut # 62 | Gal Eden #61 | Something Happened #50 | pdp # 59 stilllife / אריאל מיודוסר | #58 Untitled PDP 56 ‘Nine to’ #55 | The Photobook Untitled pdp #53 pdp #52 #51 | In The Camera pdp #50 pdp #49 Curator: Sima Landa Untitled Untitled Untitled pdp #42 | A Million Traces #39 | #38 | Video Latino #37 | Are We There Yet? #36 | Longing for the Sea #35 | Daniel Tsal-Benyamin Reich #34 | Eldad Menuchin-Roy Cohen | as it seems #33 | First products #32 | Sagorsky - Kotler - Orr #31 | Keep Me Alive #28 | First Date #27 | In her Memory | Tribute Exhibition to Ye #26 | Hanna Sahar | Opening Drawers #25 | Sheffy Bleier | a Non-Physical Realm #24 | Yuval Hai-Dana Lev Livnat #23 | Talia Rosin-Mark Yashaev | Rhizome #22 | Tova Lotan | Yoram Vidal | Miri Nishri | Pos #21 | Ulrich Vogl #18 | The Longest Day | Group Exhibition #17 | Adi Brande | After Party #16 | Jennifer Abessira | Elastique #14 | Sharon Derhy | Kitchen #12 | Yael Kaplan | Zaphnath Paaneah #11 | Decomposing | Group Exhibition #10 | Assaf Shaham & Michal Bar Or | Specific Site #9 | Ziv Koren & Keren Shpilsher | Self Confidence #8 | Constructions | Group Exhibition #7 | Liat Elbling | I'm coming home #6 | Tamir Sher | Optimistic Promised Land | Sasha Abramovich|Renata Sapronova #4 | Yigal Feliks | Souvenirs-Anaglyph Photographs Untitled Untitled #1 | Avinoam Sternheim |Planet Rubble Untitled Untitled Untitled